If I hear word “Influencer” one more time...

I hate to be critical, but so much of the content here involves spending money (PMA, etc).

I’m hoping you were able to take this trip to Colombia for free as an “influencer” - or out of your own pocket - and not from donated funds. In a Biden Economy, most of us, even working nurses, couldn’t afford to fly all the way to Colombia to find “healing”.

Delete this if you want, but really consider how you’re presenting yourself. All the ads promoting (expensive) supplements, seminars, etc. and now detailing your expensive trips out of the country is just is not a good look.

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Thank you for taking the time to give me your honest feedback. I truly do appreciate it. I too am not a fan of the word "influencer" and I don't consider myself one. I am a nurse. I was blessed with the opportunity to attend this wellness retreat at no cost. At this point, I don't even take a salary from either of my two organizations, so I can assure you that I would never utilize donor funds for my personal use. I agree with you, even in a thriving economy and as a working RN, I very likely would not have been able to afford this type of healing experience. It is just one more testament to God's provisions. I have said from the beginning that I believe I will be richly blessed for answering the call and standing in truth, and I think this is just one more example of that.

As far as how I am presenting myself, I learned quite some time ago that I cannot be responsible for other people's perceptions, only for my intentions. Perceptions vary widely. One might perceive that I am living in the lap of luxury because they see a picture of me enjoying life in the beautiful Andes mountains of Colombia, when the reality is that I am facing the very real possibility of homelessness in just a matter of months. Perception isn't reality. You might feel that sharing my trip wasn't a good look, and I respect that, but there have been countless others who have loved that I have shared this with them because they have been here since day one. I share every bit of my journey in the hope that it might inspire and encourage even one person. The average nurse may not be able to attend this retreat, that is true, but maybe they can learn from my experience and take the tools and techniques that I was blessed to receive and use these to assist them in their own healing. The SOMA breathwork is a great example.

I make no apologies for the PMA costing money. The cost is $30/month and we are providing unparalleled and exceptional service that is worth far more than what we charge, however, I wanted to keep it accessible for all. Most pay more than this for their monthly streaming services. Because we do not have any financial backing, membership recruitment and retention is crucial in growing and sustaining our model. This is something I’m proud of. I started Nurse Freedom Network with no financial backing whatsoever, and the majority of our donations are under $100. Through the generosity of those who have supported our mission, we have been able to continue advocating, attending important events and conferences, hosting our website, and printing promotional materials. I believe in the Remnant model, wholeheartedly; like NFN, Remnant has no financial backing. I believe that all of us coming together to invest in, create, and sustain this parallel system will be life-changing for all of us. We have a unique opportunity to not just talk about how change is needed, but to actually BE that change.

As far as ads for supplements, seminars, etc., I have people who reach out to me all the time asking for my recommendations on products or asking what I take myself in my daily routine. I have them all placed here for those who are interested. I just don't have the bandwidth to connect with everyone individually. I will never recommend a product that I have not tried myself, or that I have not personally witnessed someone have significant results with. I don't actively promote any of these outside of my Substack ads, because I have a tendency for service, not sales. Again, it is all about perception. You may not be interested in seeing these, but others greatly appreciate having this information. I do not put any of my content here behind a paywall, so anything we offer at a cost is a choice, and you will never find me pressuring anyone. I hope this offers some clarification on some of your concerns. I truly appreciate your support and your feedback.

Warm regards,


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